Romans 8:28 says And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Today I just want to take a few minutes out of the day to encourage you.
The love and mercy of Jesus Christ will never fail us.
People, our careers, money and even family will let us down from time to time.
But the one person who we can trust. The one thing that stays the same yesterday, today and forever,
is the love of Jesus Christ. The bible says over and over again that his love endures forever.
Today, remind yourself of the love of God. That he died for you, that he loves you and that he has a
plan and a purpose for you.
Today, you have Jesus Christ the son of God and all of heaven on your side. Don't waste it caught up
in those things that let you down. Spend it praising him and lifting him up for the love that he has shown us.
And tell others of his love, tell others of his plan and purpose for them. And remind yourself that his love never fails, that it endures forever.
Our God is good and he loves us so much.
Let's live our best for him today!
'Your Love Never Fails' by Jesus Culture
Pastor Phil
One Way Student Ministries
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