Good morning friends
I just wanted to write a short blog with some thoughts for you today, it's been a while since I've sit
myself down to actually write something on here. I hope to get back in the groove of blogging.
As you know today is Monday, September 10th 2012. It's the start of a new day, the start of a new week and for many, if they choose, a fresh start.
You see every morning we are blessed to wake up and have breath in our lungs, every day there are thousands, perhaps millions who struggle or even may take their last breath here on earth.
For me, I am excited, because I realize the opportunity that is in front of me. Opportunity to shine the love of Christ into this world, to love my beautiful wife more than I did yesterday, to be there for our students when even their parents are not and finally to serve.
For me, I have always had a servants heart. Many times throughout my life I have been given the opportunity to help others by serving them or by lending a hand, to show them someone cares enough to help or listen or even do what they say.
So, for me today is about opportunity. what are you going to do with it?
Will you GO! for God? Will you shine for Christ? Will you decide to have a good attitude in the middle of the negativity that seems to surround us all. Will you be thankful for the breath you have in your lungs?
Whatever you do, please don't take this life for granted. We are blessed to live in this country, to have families, to have our church (hopefully you have a church) and to have each other and a God who loves and is jealous for us.
So, for me today is a fresh start. A fresh opportunity to do the things I didn't yesterday, to live with a grateful heart and to give back to God for all he has given me.
What are you doing with your Monday?
-Pastor Phil
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