Friday, October 12, 2012

Vision For Your Ministry

Every ministry should have a vision and a mission statement! It's very important that you dream big and that you write down what God speaks into your heart concerning where you are and where you are going!

I thank God that we have always had leaders in our life, mentoring us and pushing us to dream BIG! In fact without that in our ministry I believe we would not be where we are today!

So, dream big and chase after that dream, don't be afraid to criticize yourself and perfect yourself!

Figure out who or what you wanna be like and then begin to watch yourself, begin to record yourself, begin to work towards the person, pastor or leader you were created to be!

Surround yourself with people who will inspire you and help you when you need it, people who will pray for your ministry!

Even though pastors and leaders don't like to have someone tell them the truth or suggest ideas, you will come to the place where you wish you did have someone who would have helped you grow your ministry.

So, my solution is this;

Stay humble and teachable in ministry and don't be afraid to allow yourself to be molded into the great leader God is calling you to be!!

Proverbs 28:18 says "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he."

Pastor Phil

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