Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Drama" by Season 3 Intern Zachary James

"Drama" by Season 3 Intern Zachary James

Webster’s Dictionary describes drama as: “a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces.” We all have/are/will use it. But what is the point?

Too many times do we consume into our worldly natures that we forget what we are here for. To praise and share the good news of God and what he has done for you. How can you praise God if you are too consumed with insignificant drama? It defiles what He has destined for you and consumes you to dwell without Him.

 Galatians 5:15 states, “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.” How can we expect to cause and dwell throughout dramatic situations and not allow for dramatic experiences to occur and dwell in/on us? For example, what makes us think we can play with snakes, and not worry about getting bit? If you are playing in the snakes, get out. If you don’t get out now, you are going to get bit. Do you want to get bit?

 Drama is one of the most destructive forces of friendships and families. It causes rifts to open up and destroy relationships among people. There is too much drama in the world now a day. Even on television and magazines, drama is what highlights the “front cover” and what peeks our interest. We are attracted to drama. It is our human and worldly natures that want us to succumb to it. Drama causes relationships to burn and crumble every day.

“I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5: 16-17). God wants us to live like he did. We cannot live like he did if we constantly are involving ourselves into dramatic situations. Life is too short for the need for our lives to be filled with drama.
What compels you to cause and succumb to drama? Is it the need to feel noticed? Why? God notices you. Every single day, single hour, single minute, single second you are noticed…By Him. His love is relentless unto you. Don’t feel like you are unnoticed. You are His precious child and he thinks about you every second. He just wants you!

Overall, I guess I am just trying to challenge you. If you can’t start putting away that drama and start living in the now for Christ, how can you do what you were created to do? So, right now as your reading this, stop the drama. It is not worth it. God is worth it. Don’t wait. Start right now. Don’t allow for drama to define your life. Let GOD be YOUR defining moment!
And in the words of Daryl, Drama is a bunch of “bullshalogna!” Haha.

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