#1 Good leaders have Good Attitudes.
-All the time, no matter what the situation. The two biggest enemies of the church behind Satan himself is Negativity and Judgemental people. Don't be negative and don't judge others.
#2 A good leader is SOLD OUT to his leaders.
-Everyone has a leader or mentor or someone above them. Interns have staff members and youth pastors as leaders, we have our senior pastors as our leaders and our pastors have leaders above them in the PCG (our denomination).
-A good leader is sold out to his or her leaders. They are committed, RESPECTFUL, servants and helpers. Good leaders communicate with, and care about each other.
#3 A good leader is passionate about everything they do.
-Have you ever been somewhere you were paying for a service, maybe a restaurant or a coffee place and the person waiting on you just clearly didn't care? They clearly hate their job, they clearly don't care about you...
-Now take the same thought but switch it to someone who loves their job, their smiling, their happy, they talk to you.... There's a huge difference right? It's because one person is not passionate while the other person is passionate about what they do. In the same way people can tell how you feel about being a leader, intern, staff member, youth pastor and even a Christian. So be passionate about what you do and smile.
#4 A good leader learns what needs to be done and does it without having to be asked.
-Helping clean up, doing your duties assigned to you, giving people high fives, jumping up and down and getting excited about service. A good leader leads without being asked.
#5 A good leader worships and their worship is contagious!
-You should be able to tune out everyone else and go full on crazy for Jesus.
-Leaders worship if the band is good or bad, if it's too loud or too quiet, if they can sing with it or not. A good leader worships and their worship is contagious.
#3 A good leader is passionate about everything they do.
-Have you ever been somewhere you were paying for a service, maybe a restaurant or a coffee place and the person waiting on you just clearly didn't care? They clearly hate their job, they clearly don't care about you...
-Now take the same thought but switch it to someone who loves their job, their smiling, their happy, they talk to you.... There's a huge difference right? It's because one person is not passionate while the other person is passionate about what they do. In the same way people can tell how you feel about being a leader, intern, staff member, youth pastor and even a Christian. So be passionate about what you do and smile.
#4 A good leader learns what needs to be done and does it without having to be asked.
-Helping clean up, doing your duties assigned to you, giving people high fives, jumping up and down and getting excited about service. A good leader leads without being asked.
#5 A good leader worships and their worship is contagious!
-You should be able to tune out everyone else and go full on crazy for Jesus.
-Leaders worship if the band is good or bad, if it's too loud or too quiet, if they can sing with it or not. A good leader worships and their worship is contagious.
-Have you ever seen someone worship and your just like "I want to be like that! I want to be that on fire for God!"
I know people whose worship is contagious. That's my leaders, if my pastor starts worshipping and puts both hands in the air and starts singing and connecting with God it makes me want to worship God likes that. A good leader's worship is contagious. So therefore your worship should be contagious!
#6 A good leader takes notes.
-Pastor Kayla and myself take notes, not because we always want to but because it helps us learn and capture moments that God is speaking to us.
-Good leaders take notes and have journals, for Christmas I got 4 new journals. One of them has already been completely filled up. Take notes it's important.
#7 A good leader doesn't gossip but instead they stop gossip!
-There's way too much gossip in Christianity and even in our ministry. Gossip is one of the devils strongest tools, he knows if he can just get you to start telling some lies or making up stories or talking about others that he'll bring you down. So don't gossip, instead be the person who stops gossip.
#8 A good leader wins souls for Christ.
-The bible says that Jesus didn't offer it to us but he commissioned us, he commanded us when he told the disciples to GO into all the world, preaching and spreading the gospel to every living creature, baptizing and teaching them.
-A good leader is so on fire for God that they are looking to find the lost, they'll do anything, they'll go anywhere to tell others about God. A good leader invites all the people they care about to church.
-So, how many people have you brought or invited to OneWay this month?
#9 A good leader knows what they believe.
-A good leader knows the word, reads it daily and can quote some scripture without looking it up. A good leader knows what they believe.
#10 A good leader is humble and proud.
-A good leader is confident in what he is called to do but humble in the fact that he is a sinner and has had humble beginnings.
-A good leader is proud of what God does through them and for others but is humble enough to know its because of God not them.
#11 A good leader guards their heart, protects their testimony and is cautious about who they allow close.
-A good leader cares about where they've been and where they are now. They desire to move forward not backwards. They pick their close friends wisely.
#12 A good leader has a prayer life and shows evidence of it.
-It's not about how to look or act or be seen but a good leader knows how to connect with God one on one.
#6 A good leader takes notes.
-Pastor Kayla and myself take notes, not because we always want to but because it helps us learn and capture moments that God is speaking to us.
-Good leaders take notes and have journals, for Christmas I got 4 new journals. One of them has already been completely filled up. Take notes it's important.
#7 A good leader doesn't gossip but instead they stop gossip!
-There's way too much gossip in Christianity and even in our ministry. Gossip is one of the devils strongest tools, he knows if he can just get you to start telling some lies or making up stories or talking about others that he'll bring you down. So don't gossip, instead be the person who stops gossip.
#8 A good leader wins souls for Christ.
-The bible says that Jesus didn't offer it to us but he commissioned us, he commanded us when he told the disciples to GO into all the world, preaching and spreading the gospel to every living creature, baptizing and teaching them.
-A good leader is so on fire for God that they are looking to find the lost, they'll do anything, they'll go anywhere to tell others about God. A good leader invites all the people they care about to church.
-So, how many people have you brought or invited to OneWay this month?
#9 A good leader knows what they believe.
-A good leader knows the word, reads it daily and can quote some scripture without looking it up. A good leader knows what they believe.
#10 A good leader is humble and proud.
-A good leader is confident in what he is called to do but humble in the fact that he is a sinner and has had humble beginnings.
-A good leader is proud of what God does through them and for others but is humble enough to know its because of God not them.
#11 A good leader guards their heart, protects their testimony and is cautious about who they allow close.
-A good leader cares about where they've been and where they are now. They desire to move forward not backwards. They pick their close friends wisely.
#12 A good leader has a prayer life and shows evidence of it.
-It's not about how to look or act or be seen but a good leader knows how to connect with God one on one.
-When was the last time you prayed, why or why not? How often do you pray? Is it once a day?
-What needs are in your life that could be met if you only asked God to meet them?
Matthew 7:7
Matthew 7:7
-A leader can only lead someone as far as they've been as a Christian, if you have a deep relationship with God then those who follow you can have a deep relationship with God. In the same way, if you don't know how to pray or you don't have a daily prayer life then those who follow you will most likely have a shallow prayer life if one at all.
(The above was written and taught by us and for our OneWay Interns, these basic teachings can drastically change the way you lead others if thought upon and applied)
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