Monday, August 11, 2014

The Summer Of 2014 8/11

This summer is beginning to come to a close and what an amazing summer it has been. We believe that this summer has been one of the best if not the #bestsummerever in the history of our youth ministry.

One of the reasons we believe this is because we were able to facilitate a Summer Camp for over 150 One Way Students. Around 40 were baptized in the holy spirit this summer. Dozens were saved and dozens rededicated their life to Christ.

This alone is reason enough but it doesn't stop there. We have come in contact with tons of new students, made closer relationships with students we didn't know as well as some an above all we have seen the atmosphere and worship at our youth group change.

The summer of 2014 has been an amazing one, but it's not over yet! As the school year gets closer and closer we are pressing on towards the great prize!

Wednesday, September 3rd we are hosting a Back 2 School Bash at One Way and it's going to be amazing. We will host the Jon David Finney Band, Air1 Radio from Houston, we'll have inflatables, free BBQ and a bunch of giveaways and an amazing service for all the students to enjoy!

Besides all the visuals and the obvious blessings this summer, God has really done some incredible things in our youth ministry, in us as youth pastors and in our youth staff.

So, I am pumped up about what God is going to do next and we don't want you or your students to miss it! Join us this school year as we go to the next level in all that we do!

Pastor Phil

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