Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Exciting things happening at One Way!!!

We are excited to give you some info today on the upcoming events at One Way Student Ministries.
As always you can find more information on our web site at


On the schedule for One Way is;

Girl Talk '12 this weekend the 23rd and 24th of March in Corsicana . Girls Talk is $33.00 to go and covers your stay and transportation there. If you are interested in going we have eight spots available (a few sponsorships are available) For more information please contact Pastor Kayla asap.

Sectional Youth Rally Monday March 26th at New Beginnings. Church is located aprox. 20 minutes from NCFWC Campus and starts at 7:30pm. We will be leaving campus at exactly 7pm. Please join us for this great time of worship and devotion and our section comes together! One Way worship team will be providing praise and worship. DYD Rick Martinez is scheduled to speak.

April 4th we are starting a brand new series encompassed with Easter. This will be the most thrilling, intense and exciting series One Way has EVER DONE! Please mark your calendar and find friends to bring with you on April 4th at 7pm in One Way!

April 6th Good Friday we will be showing the movie The Passion Of The Christ at 7pm this will be an emotional and inspiring moving for our students. Please join us as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ through Easter weekend and Good Friday!

We are excited for things God is about to do! Please be praying for our services tomorrow night and BRING YOUR FRIENDS!!!

Pastor Phil

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