Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Would you pass the test?

Psalm 23:2-3 says
Examine me, God, from head to foot,
order your battery of tests.
Make sure I'm fit
inside and out

So I never lose
sight of your love,
But keep in step
with you,
never missing a beat.

Our God life is a constant test. Every day God gives us awesome opportunities, and chances to glorify his name. He gives us every tool that we need to grow closer to him and more "fit" in our relationship with him.

Athletes know what it means to train for something, for a competition or event, a game, or a tournament. A good, practiced athelete takes time daily to master their sport, toning their body, pressing themselves past their previously achieved limits. There should be nothing different about the way you approach your relationship with God. We are constantly pressing toward the ultimate event (heaven) and cannot possibly get there without training, mastery of our skills, and a constant push to be better.

A great relationship with God isn't easy, it takes work. It takes practice, and it takes training. Is your relationship with God up to the test? Would you pass or fail if the tournament was today?

If your relationship isn't what it should be, or if you (like any good athelete) are ready to push past your current place and go further in God, you can start today.

Begin by reading your bible, read more of it more often. If you are truly in your word, not just reading it because you have to, God WILL speak to you. He will love on you and remind you how important you are to him through his word.

Talk to God more often. The bible says we should pray without ceasing, meaning you should talk to God about EVERYTHING, all the time. It doesn't have to be formal, just remember he knows you better than anyone, so why not share your life with him.

Put your faith in to action. Find somewhere to plug in, serve in OneWay or at NCFWC. Head out on the street ministry, get plugged in at the food pantry, pick up trash that you see outside. It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you DO SOMETHING. Serve and love it! Get fit, so you can keep in step with God, never missing a beat!

-Pastor Kayla

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