Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Faithfulness = Trustworthy

When you look up the word "Faithful or Faithfulness" in the bible there are 9265 references to this subject.
To simply put it, God is very serious about being faithful and having faithfulness. It's a serious subject that most people don't want to talk about or mention.

But to me being faithful is the only way to do life. I must be faithful to the God who gave his son, who died for me. I must be faithful to my wife. I must be faithful to my job. I must be faithful.

So many times in our world we will hear other voices and opinions trying to tell to us that there is an exception. And our enemy will be the first one that tries to convince us that we can get away with whatever.
That we don't have to be faithful in our relationships, that we don't have to faithful to God.

 I read this quote this morning and I loved it; "Your faithfulness makes you trustworthy".
Wow, your faithfulness makes you trustworthy. People can tell what kind of person you are by your committment and faithfulness. They then decide if they can trust you or not.
I would step out on a limb and say that God does the same thing so many times with us. Its not that he doesn't want to bless you and trust you with your wildest dreams, but he wants to see if you are really committed to him, if you are really faithful to him.

This morning I can testify that with Faithfulness and an honest heart before God he will trust you, bless you and give you more than you can imagine. So today I want to challenge you to look at your life and find the places that your unfaithful and then work on them.

If it's going to church on Sunday, if it's a relationship, if it's reading your bible or whatever. Find the things you need to work on and then Be Faithful.

2nd Timothy 2:13 says "If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is."

Luke 16:10 "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities"

Pastor Philip

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