“I May Be Weak, But Your Spirits Strong In Me”
For some reason this song has been on my heart A LOT lately, we use to sing it all the time. “Give Me Faith” by Elevation Worship is truly an awesome, thought provoking worship song.
My favorite part of this song is the lyrics. “I may be weak, but your spirits strong in me. My flesh may fail but my God you never will”
It seems like personally in my life God is trying to tell me I may fail, I may have questions, I may feel defeated. But he is strong enough, he faithful and JESUS will not fail me. The lyrics “My flesh may fail but my God you never will”. It brings me to the point of realization that Our God is for us and not against us, that he is the same yesterday, today and forever! That no matter how many wrong choices I make he is still perfect and he is still their looking to show me his love.
This morning for some reason I feel like encouraging all of you guys, You may fail but God won’t. Your world may be falling apart but God will never change. And we need to build up our faith in God and we need to work on trusting him.
For us to have faith in God we need to look at his word.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.Faith is the evidence that the God we serve but cannot see is real. Faith is trusting that he loves us, that he knows our name, that he has saved us from the sin that we continue to fall in and that when we die we will be with him in Heaven.
Having faith in God through tough times is hard, and believing in something you have never seen is just the same. But to realize that the God who created everything knows you and loves you and wants to answer your prayer. That is what faith is all about.
Matthew "You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
"Give Me Faith" By Elevation Worship Album "Kingdom Come"
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